Sunday, March 9, 2008

Oh My Goth!

**Hi 5th period! Since your reading is not due until Thursday and the question below ties in with the Creature and his arrival in the story, you only need to post one comment this week. All comments are due by March 16th!

Also, before I post this week's prompt, I just want to commend all of you for writing such thoughtful and insightful comments about Walton. I was, like, wowzers - check out the brains on 5th period! Very impressive everyone, and thanks for participating.

So we finally meet the creature! But Victor hates the Creature as soon as he sees how ugly he is. One of the most disturbing suggestions some readers find in Frankenstein is that physical ugliness is so powerful a force that nothing can compensate for it. Why are we so quick to judge others by the way they look? The first thing Frankenstein does after bringing the Creature to life is to flee, first to sleep in his bed and then to wander through the streets. What does his behavior tell us about him? There are no right or wrong answers here folks. Take a risk with your answers and go out on a limb. That's where the fruit is!

And to make up for all this freaky stuff, here's something cute to look at.


Anonymous said...

I think we are quickly to judge because appearance is a lot in society these it was when the story was written as well. Clothing, language, personality all of which falls under the category of appearance, this is essential especially in first impressions. I think we try not to judge in this sense..yet we can't help ourselves because it feels like a norm to us.

Frankensteins behavior tells us he's disappointed and judge's him first by his looks more than anything?..

Anonymous said...

We are so quick to judge because people judge before they get to know someone. We automatically assume the worst in people who defy our norms and we assume the best in people that are similar to us. Dr. Frankenstein's behavior tells us that he is pre-judging this character because he is ugly. In a way he is afraid of it.

Anonymous said...

I found it reallt wrong that teh creatures appearance was being so ahrashly judged right away. The phrase "never judge a book by its cover" is straight forward, realistic, and true. Nothing but the appearance of Victor's creature has been revealed and an impression is made. In our society today looks mean a lot and speak for themselves. If one's creator is criticizing it because of the ugliness of the creature what will be the outcome?

Anonymous said...

I believe that we are quick at coming to conclusions about people by the way they look. By the time we have seen enough people we believe we have a general idea of what "human" is. But the time comes when, exposed to a person who does not fit these standards, we find them "un-human" which is probably where people get the idea of racism ("perfectly human"). Victor's behavior tells us that he is "perfectly human", and maybe a little to dramatic.

Anonymous said...

I completely agree with Lindsay about prejudice. Even in today's society, many people judge others solely based on their physical appearance, before getting to know them. I think Frankenstein was startled by the very unusual and monstrous looks of the creature when it first came to life. He didn't know what to do so he quickly ran away.

Anonymous said...

i think Michelle's quote "never judge a book by its cover" was a really appropriate quote. Victor really didn't get to know the creature at all. I think Victor should have been more responsible and obligated because he was the creator. Perhaps if Victor actually accepted the creature, it might not have murdered William.

Anonymous said...

I believe that we are so quick to judge people because that is the way we are brought up. We are taught to not hang out with certain people. Either because of who are there parents are, the way they look, the way they act, and rumors that you have heard about them. I believe that when Victor saw the creature, he was quick to judge and assumed he would act in a certain way because of his appearance.

Anonymous said...

I believe that we are so quick to judge people on the way they look because initially that's all we have to judge them on. We know nothing about their personality or the way they act, so we can only judge them based on the only thing we can, their looks. That behavior tells us that Victor is deathly afraid of his creation, based solely on his hideous appearance. This behavior also tells us that Victor is very lost and doesn't know what to do with this creature that he has created.

Anonymous said...

I think Frankenstein's reaction, like most people today would be very similar. Wouldn't you run away if an unfamiliar creature/monster reaches out to you? The monster's appearance was the only thing Frankenstein knew about the monster at the time, not about how smart and intellectual he was. So in that, Frankenstein ("judged the book by its cover")and didn't really see how the monster was when he first encountered him.

Anonymous said...

I think that we are quick to judge because of appearance because that is the way we are brought up. Most people decide how to dress or the way they want to present themselves on their personality or mood and people tend to take that too far. Some people judge others solely on how they look without thinking or considering their personality or different likes. Frankenstien's behavior towards the creature tells us that it was not what he had expected and fears it automatically.

Anonymous said...

We are so quick to just appearance because people cannot see your personality. When you look at somebody, you judge people by looks because its the first impression. Victor ran away from the creature because he did not try to talk to him because he could not see past his appearance. He was wrong to run away, because it turned out that the creature had the possibility of becoming a very intelegent person. We are taught that in our society, nice people are attractive looking, they do not look like "freaks"