Hello, Sophomores ~ You have reached the blog for 5th period English. If you are in 7th period, please visit http://steadypurpose7.blogspot.com/. Feel free to visit both sites but only post comments on your respective blog.We have officially begun our unit on Frankenstein. I am looking forward to exploring this fascinating text with all of you. However, before we commence, it is imperative to understand the time period in which the story was written. Mary Shelley lived during the sweeping artistic, literary, musical, and intellectual movement known as Romanticism. It is a movement that changed literature and the other arts in ways that YOU will research, write about, and share with the class. So without further delay, let us journey back to the places, emotions, and ideas of the 19th century! Who's coming with me? Why, Mr. William Wordsworth for starters with some useful advice to boot.... ~ Come forth into the light of things. Let Nature be your teacher. Hmm....(scratching head), what's with the capital "N"?
Menu de Fun As we discussed on Friday, your group will be responsible for researching an assigned topic on Romanticism. Remember - As a group, come up with FIVE significant points about your topic to post on the blog by this Friday. Only one member of the group needs to post the five points. Doesn't matter who. After everyone has submitted their findings, I will compile a handy Romanticism page that will help guide your reading of Frankenstein. Please email me with questions.
Gothic Novel: 1. A gothic novel is a novel that contain features such as mystery and doom. 2. A genre that began in the 20th century. 3. In a true gothic novel, no one dies unjustly. 4. In a gothic novel, evil is ultimately destroyed and has beneficial consequences for character development. 5. The gothic novel genre was one phase of the literary movement of romanticism. (It used to be the forerunner of modern mystery novels).
Gothic Novel: 1. A gothic novel is a novel that contain features such as mystery and doom. 2. A genre that began in the 20th century. 3. In a true gothic novel, no one dies unjustly. 4. In a gothic novel, evil is ultimately destroyed and has beneficial consequences for character development. 5. The gothic novel genre was one phase of the literary movement of romanticism. (It used to be the forerunner of modern mystery novels).
Mary Shelly: 1. Born August 30, 1797 and died February 1, 1851. 2. When she was 15, Mary was sent to live with William Baxter, which had a strong affect on her career as a writer. 3. Mary Shelly began writing Frankenstein in 1816, but it was published on January 1, 1818. 4. She wrote her second novel, Matilda, between 1819 and 1820. 5. Eventually, Shelly died of a brain tumor at the age of 51.
Common Man over Aristocracy: 1. The Romantics were considered the "common man" of the time and decided that they would fight against the "aristocracy" or rich people. 2. The Romantics were considered common men and women because they chose to live life as poor, but happy individuals. 3. The common man believed that you could find yourself through nature and didn't have to rely on possessions or money to be inspired. 4. To Romantics the common man is the powerful man. They believe that because he is closer to nature that he is more powerful than the rich. 5. The common man represents the hard-working, self-sufficient and successful individual in the Romantics eyes. The common man is also a religious and sensitive individual, unlike the rich o aristocrats.
1. Individualism is a term used to describe a moral, political, or social outlook that stresses human independence and the importance of individual self-reliance and liberty 2. The romantic emphasis on the individual was reflected in ideas of self-realisation and nature 3. Wordsworth thought that the individual could directly understand nature without the need for society and social artifice, salvation is achieved by the solitary individual rather than through political movements. 4. Began right before the 18th century 5. an individualist in a society is someone who has a different mindset then everybody in the society, and normally stands out.
1. Some people have compared literature and work of the romantic era to a seed. It grows naturally and by itself. It becomes what it does, and nothing else. 2. During the Industrial Revolution, machines started to take over and factory workers suffered. Poetry started to glorify the workers. 3. Romanticists believed we needed to return to nature. 4. Romanticists believed in all that is natural and that comes straight from nature. 5. They believed that nature is what makes the world so lovely and livable.
Hero over Institutions: 1. Hero- humble man, unspoiled, genuine 2. man = good institutions = bad 3. rich ppl = bad (make money off of poor) poor ppl = good
Romanticism--- a whole series of beliefs a way of looking at things represented by art, poetry not realistic
paintings glorify nature novels end badly music is sad highly emotional has a dramatic look on things
poetry fires mans hearts and minds. people believed deeply for poetry
The Imagination of Elements of Romanticism: 1. romantics like humanity best in the abstract 2. romanticism is an imaginary way of looking at the world; not realistic 3. Music: emotion and dreams 4. Music: sets te soul soaring 5. nature/paintings: makes the world more livable
Gothic Novel:
1. A gothic novel is a novel that contain features such as mystery and doom.
2. A genre that began in the 20th century.
3. In a true gothic novel, no one dies unjustly.
4. In a gothic novel, evil is ultimately destroyed and has beneficial consequences for character development.
5. The gothic novel genre was one phase of the literary movement of romanticism. (It used to be the forerunner of modern mystery novels).
Gothic Novel:
1. A gothic novel is a novel that contain features such as mystery and doom.
2. A genre that began in the 20th century.
3. In a true gothic novel, no one dies unjustly.
4. In a gothic novel, evil is ultimately destroyed and has beneficial consequences for character development.
5. The gothic novel genre was one phase of the literary movement of romanticism. (It used to be the forerunner of modern mystery novels).
Mary Shelly:
1. Born August 30, 1797 and died February 1, 1851.
2. When she was 15, Mary was sent to live with William Baxter, which had a strong affect on her career as a writer.
3. Mary Shelly began writing Frankenstein in 1816, but it was published on January 1, 1818.
4. She wrote her second novel, Matilda, between 1819 and 1820.
5. Eventually, Shelly died of a brain tumor at the age of 51.
Common Man over Aristocracy:
1. The Romantics were considered the "common man" of the time and decided that they would fight against the "aristocracy" or rich people.
2. The Romantics were considered common men and women because they chose to live life as poor, but happy individuals.
3. The common man believed that you could find yourself through nature and didn't have to rely on possessions or money to be inspired.
4. To Romantics the common man is the powerful man. They believe that because he is closer to nature that he is more powerful than the rich.
5. The common man represents the hard-working, self-sufficient and successful individual in the Romantics eyes. The common man is also a religious and sensitive individual, unlike the rich o aristocrats.
Individualism vs. Society:
1. Individualism is a term used to describe a moral, political, or social outlook that stresses human independence and the importance of individual self-reliance and liberty
2. The romantic emphasis on the individual was reflected in ideas of self-realisation and nature
3. Wordsworth thought that the individual could directly understand nature without the need for society and social artifice, salvation is achieved by the solitary individual rather than through political movements.
4. Began right before the 18th century
5. an individualist in a society is someone who has a different mindset then everybody in the society, and normally stands out.
1. Some people have compared literature and work of the romantic era to a seed. It grows naturally and by itself. It becomes what it does, and nothing else.
2. During the Industrial Revolution, machines started to take over and factory workers suffered. Poetry started to glorify the workers.
3. Romanticists believed we needed to return to nature.
4. Romanticists believed in all that is natural and that comes straight from nature.
5. They believed that nature is what makes the world so lovely and livable.
Hero over Institutions:
1. Hero- humble man, unspoiled, genuine
2. man = good
institutions = bad
3. rich ppl = bad
(make money off of poor)
poor ppl = good
a whole series of beliefs
a way of looking at things
represented by art, poetry
not realistic
paintings glorify nature
novels end badly
music is sad
highly emotional
has a dramatic look on things
poetry fires mans hearts and minds.
people believed deeply for poetry
The Imagination of Elements of Romanticism:
1. romantics like humanity best in the abstract
2. romanticism is an imaginary way of looking at the world; not realistic
3. Music: emotion and dreams
4. Music: sets te soul soaring
5. nature/paintings: makes the world more livable
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